
I'm a 29 year old graphic design and roller derby player living in Nottingham.

Having been medically defined as overweight* since the age of 8 and obese* since my teens and I'm no stranger to diets or fatophobia. In the summer of 2012 I finally took steps to really delve into fat acceptance, fatshion, body positivity and HAES approaches to life and health.

I can honestly tell you its the single greatest gift I've given myself. This blog is my space to practice a bit of self love through fatshion, moan about fat discrimination and talk about HAES.

This blog is about living in the moment and appreciating what I have now, and loving every lump and bump.

*over weight/obese as dictated by the BMI scale, or as I like to call it, the Bullshit Measure Indicator.


  1. it is so nice to "meet" you! you are all kinds of amazeballs.

  2. You. Are. Awesomely Rad.

  3. Your blog was a great find today! I also did the Fat link up with The Militant Baker.

  4. you've received a Cranky Award! http://bit.ly/WSulfo
