Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A new beginning

Post numero uno! Welcome to my blog.

So this is the 3rd blog I've started in a year or so. The other two didn't really go so well. First I did a blog about my ankle break and subsequent recovery, which was great whilst the break was healing, but afterwards I had nothing to continue writing about. The 2nd was a diet blog...

Yep, I was going to try and blog myself thin with the aid of a "healthy plan". That lasted about 5 minutes too, and since then I've discovered the HAES approach (something I will no doubt mention many times in my new journey) I have vowed no more dieting. Instead I'm practicing a little self love.

I my recent discovery of fatopshere including HAES approaches and fat acceptance manifestos I've also become addicted to plus size fashion blogs which is the main inspiration for starting this!

So my main intention is to make this a fatshion blog documenting my outfits but will probably end up with lots of other stuff and be more of a lifestyle blog. I am world..again..for the 3rd time, but version 3.0 is brighter and better than before....


  1. This is going to be the best blog :) yey for fat acceptance xx

  2. i could have written that post... well not quite.

    i've had about 5 blogs in 3 years. 1st was photography project which wound up and is now my "art" blog!

    2 weight loss, this has about 4 version, actually the blog i'm using now had about 50 wl related posts which i reverted to draft. i don't want to delete them as there are pics that i've not got anywhere else. one day i might need to see them.

    i've never heard of HAES before this blog, but i'm guessing it is what i am trying to do.

    i'm just trying to be myself and since i found all the plus sized fatshion blogs a few weeks ago i finally feel like i have found something i can do!

    sorry for the extra long post xxx
