This is probably a bad idea I know – me, and
goals...and time frames...and stuff don't tend to work. I'm the
biggest procrastinator, worse self-motiviator and just general
'off-putter of stuff I really ought to be doing'.
This blog has come to be included in the list of
things I really ought to be doing, and I want to give myself another
stab at achieving something with it. I still have no ultimate goal or
purpose for it, but I've come to realise that’s OK. I think the
best I can do is just mind dump, and see where that takes me.
So that leads me to...well...we'll call them
Aspiration No.1 – Blog more.
I'm not putting strong holds on this one, lets
just say once a week would be nice. Once a day would be magical, and
I'm going to allow myself to post one paragraph, one photo – or
heck even one sentence posts, if that’s what’s on my mind. I
figure quantity over quality might work in the long run and
eventually help me find my blogging mojo.
I'm going to attend a Plus Size clothes swap a
week on Saturday, which I'm both mega excited for, and mega nervous.
Its run by some gals from a Facebook group I joined a while back and
will attended by some of my favourite plus bloggers. So whilst I'm
mega excited to meet everyone I'm nervous as its been a while since
I've been in a totally new situation with totally new people.
Which is aspiration No.2 – Do things that are
scary/say yes more often.
Overall I think pushing comfort zones and barriers with myself will
lead me to unexpected places - which can only be a good thing right?
I really looking forward to going, because
honestly the further along my body appreciation path I get, the
harder it is to connect with others on topics revolving around it. No
one truly gets it, or why I'm doing it, or why its such a wonderful
thing for me, and could be for them too. I'm surrounded by fat people
who want to diet, and people who are still chasing perfect, or
want to be thinner or still believe thinnest is superior and being
body critical is the norm and are as shitty about their own bodies as they are about other peoples. I can't change their opinion on these
matters, but I can chose to not engage. Also, apart from meeting like
minded, confident, beautiful people, I'm also going for the lovely
clothes and nic naks to swap!
Once I said yes I then offered
to drive some other lovely rad fat chicks to the event, so I am now
fully committed. So I guess that is...
Aspiration No.3 – Commit to stuff, namely the
important stuff.
This one is hard for me, as I mentioned in the
first paragraph. Its not my style. I bore quickly, I get super duper
excited then my brain wonders to the next wonderful exciting thing.
But this year I'd like to really think about what I want to put my
energy into and run with it.
Skating and playing derby is at the moment still
very high on my list. Its my only source of good exercise endorphins
that I don't get bored of, so I don't want to lose that, but what I
have come to accept is that I am not prepared to bust my ass and beat
myself up over not being the best any more. And chances are with my
natural disposition and complete lack of any kind of sporting
background, it wouldn't happen anyway. That's not to say I'm going to
give up trying, I just have to stop comparing myself. I have also
realised lately that there is a lot of joy to be had at the remaining
grass rootsy levels of the sport- the women who play because its
goddamn amazing fun, and don't care that their team isn't the top of
a league table. They play for the love. Coaching has also helped me
with this too. I like sharing my knowledge, and although I may not be
the best in my eyes, I'm still a super hero to those who have only
just laced up their skates. I can do a t-stop, they can't. I AM GOD! ...ah such power...anway...
The other things I really need to commit to are
finding a career path for myself and helping hubby with his, and
possibly finding a way that the two can intersect. He has just
started training to be a chef – a little late in life some would
say, but I say utterly brave and awesome! He has a massive amount of
talent. In fact between us we have a whole host of creative talents
and interests that I'm really proud of. Hubby is a great cook, but he
also loves podcasting (we ran our own for 6 months), he has a
wonderful singing voice, can play guitar and write, he loves video
making...Me? I'm trained in graphic design and have 10 years
experience. I dabble in marketing, I'm head of PR for the team, I
love crafting, I can also sing, and I'm finding this whole new
passion for fat politics and spreading the anti-dieting message, I'm
OK at writing, sorta, a bit....
Somewhere...Somewhere amongst
all that is a business or a passion we can both share! I think we
should be the singing, cooking, craft making, travelling duo...or
something to that effect.
I literally have no idea what I want to do this
year, but I know two things. 1) I need to keep paying the mortgage,
and 2) I need get out of my job rut and do something I love.
So really I need to commit to the things that make
me happy, work hard on them, and trust that somewhere the inspiration
for living how we want to live will come along.
Its not often I will ever make affirmations like
this, I guess its kind of risky writing it down...and I'm definitely
a more “go with the flow” kind of person. I'm pretty trusting
that my path will carve itself, but I just think this year I need to
maybe give it a helping hand?
I have a different feeling about 2013, maybe its
my new perspective on everything? And for that, I owe the Fat
Acceptance, Plus Bloggers and HAES communities a lot, and of course everyone's muse
of late, the beautiful Tess Munster who's images kicked started a chain reaction.
Who knows what the year will bring?