Monday, 14 January 2013

Rad Fat Clothes Swap

I only really have one word for Saturday. AMAZING.

At 11.30 I picked up two lovely ladies I'd never met before - Cynthia, and Sarah from Nottingham station and we road tripped all the way to Leeds. When we arrived it was already in full swing.

Basically you take items of clothes that are the wrong size, or you just dont want - along with accessories, makeup etc...put them in piles - then go at it! I was brought up on charity shops, carboots, thrift stores I was in my element, grabbing armfuls at once to try on.

The wonderful Rebecca Northcott took photos on the day and has given me permission to re-post these - you can check out her post about the day here.

Below: Here's me and Sarah having a dig through the pile of tops. (All I can think about this picture, is that arm is BEGGING for a tattoo sleeve...)

Below: Cynthia and I trying on trousers. (Looks like I've spotted something at the tops table and I'm salivating over it! - Probably one of the beautiful rad fats looking gorgeous!)

Below. We all went for dinner afterwards - which was lovely! Was great to meet so many awesome people at once. 

A few of my favourite finds were:
  • A brand new sporty swimming costume - which I've been needing for a while.
  • A brand new skater dress - (a style I've not tried before)
  • A new primark jumper
  • 3 pairs of black trousers
  • A white and navy stripy t-shirt
  • A cookie monster tee for training

And there was tonnes more awesome stuff. Outfit posts to follow shortly!

I enjoyed it so much I'm actually considering organising a midlands one. We shall see..

A big thank you to everyone involved, Laura and Rebecca for organising, Rebecca for taking photos, Cynthia and Sarah for being my car buddies and all the other lovely new people I met.


  1. It was a fab day and it was lovely to meet you xxx

  2. aww so glad you enjoyed it and your very welcome for photos. I can't wait to see what you got in outfit posts :D

  3. I really enjoyed your write-up! I had to miss this one, but I attended the previous ones and love a good bit a clothes-swapping :)

  4. Wow..what an awesome fun event!!!

  5. What a great idea!
